Thursday, December 31, 2009

Castor Bean Explosion

Well not quite a explosion, but I sure had a gigantic castor bean this past summer.  Within one week it grew over 2 feet and the spread was almost the same.  Take a look...

I had a extra plant and did not know where to put it, so I put it at the front of the house beside the door.  Never expecting it to get this large, we had to pull it out.  It was too dangerous for the kids to be around being that large.  Well maybe I should emphasize that it had to be dug out.  Boy do these roots go down deep and get large. 

It was not the height that astonished me it was the width of the leaves.  It measured in height just over 7 feet.  However, I found that this past year was the year of stalky plants and less height.  Previous castor beans I've had reached a whopping 11 feet plus.

This gigantic leave measured 28 inches in width.  Its't is just a beauty.

Lets hope 2010 brings another year of gigantic castor beans.  I know 2009 is going in the books as a record for me. 
HAPPY NEW YEARS my friends!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Little Piece of Heaven

Going back on my pictures on my camera today I found this one.  Now this is perfection.  Who could ask for anything else.  I remember this summer evening like it was yesterday. My twin boys birthday party.  It just warms me to think about it. 

I thought there could be nothing more peaceful and perfect then this. I long to see this again.  Until today.

Since the ice storm that fell apond us on December 26, the days just keep getting more beautiful.  The day after the storm it was a very fogging morning, the sun desperately trying to make its way through the fog.  The result stunning picture taking.

As the day progressed the scenes were even more breath taking.

The sun was out in full force only to please the eye more as the minutes went by.

The sun came down to give us a magical show of shimmering branches.  Just beautiful.

It was magical. Almost not real it was so beautiful.

Then the fog rolled in.  Now that was a sight.  My header pic is another shot of the fog. 

And a fabulous pink sky to say good night.

I have so many pictures that I just cannot post them all, and boy do I want to.  I hope you enjoyed my picture story.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Icy Wonderland

Watch your step! I thought today I was going to write on what I got for Christmas and what I did not. But we woke this morning to a icy wonderland. Thank goodness not like the Ice Storm of 2008. As beautiful as it looked with all the trees and fences and.....coated with a thick layer of ice, I really do not want to see that again. I figured in the middle of the night that it was going to be a lovely picture taking day after hearing the ice hit the windows that woke me from my slumber. This morning the windows were coated also with a layer of ice. Unfortunately someone did not charge the batteries from Christmas so I could not get that pic.

Our beautiful shade tree in the summer was ghostly this morning.

This guy always gets hit hard and this morning we were leaning to the side.

Christmas cedar decor was hanging beautifully with a coating of glass like material.

The spirea I'm sure will look stunning tonight with the lights on. The glow will bounce off the ice.

The junipter also was prettily decorated, with what is left of it from the snow.

The great swing bearing pine tree was a stunning umbrela this morning.

Well that concludes my icy morning and hopefully the wind will not start up like last year after Christmas. I do like my lights but if we are destined to be without hydro so be it. Have a great Boxing Day!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice

December 21st, Winter Solstice. Shortest day of the year that seemed like the longest today. Go figure. Busy day on the farm today.

To celebrate this new time of year I am offering a giveaway. All and anyone can enter. The only thing you need to do is leave a comment to the post "Winter Solstice". Let your family and friends know and fellow bloggers too. So what is up for grabs you ask?

This lovely Winter Solstice sign. It measures 6"x 18". The winner may choose his or her choice of color for the sign and the lettering. Closing date to enter is Dec. 31. I will draw a name randomly on January 1st, 2010. Good luck to all that enter.

Here is just a quick snap shot on the eve of Winter Solstice. Such a lovely evening. Crisp and cold.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Autumn Garden Stroll

Well today is the last day of autumn. So I thought I would take a quick stroll and look at the wonderful AUTUMN scenery.
But wait. Something is just not right!

Looks a little white to me. Are we sure it is still autumn?

Funny, but our Autumn's are pretty short here. Just a couple of months if we are lucky. None the less it is still pretty ( the blanket of snow ). I am new at winter gardening, but I sure hope I enjoy it as much as I enjoy gardening during the other seasons.I just love how this pic turned out. A small pile of snow on top of the globe thistle.

To think that this was beautiful sea of colors was really only weeks ago. The seasons sure do change fast.

I call this one the ty dye tree. Isn't it just lovely.

Thanks for dropping by and have a wonderful day!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Spring Signs

It is not even Christmas yet and I'm full steam ahead with spring. Perhaps it is to relieve some of the Christmas tention that goes along with the season. I'm in the process of completing my spring line of garden signs. These are the only 3 I had last year and they were very good sellers. Hope this year brings the same or even more.

There is one for each season, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter. Alot of customers like to buy the set.

I like this one. It is so cheery on a gloomy summer day.

This one I made for my brother. I have one and my mom does too, but they are both on a stake. Cannot wait to see what my imagination comes up this year.
You can also visit my website to view more selection
Enjoy and Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 14, 2009

All I want for Christmas is.....


Yes, I have asked santa for a greenhouse. Whether he comes through or not is yet to be seen. Oh the plans. I can see it now. Complete with a private patio just for me, where I can sit and relax with a cold water and a wedge of lemon after a hard day at work.
Okay back to reality. It would never be just myself. I would have 3 little helpers right on my heels. And you know I probably would not have it any other way. I love my kids and love having them around and teaching them what my mom and grannie taught me.
So in less then two weeks we will see what Santa has in store for me. Till then I will continue dreaming.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Where has the year went?

It has been a very long time since I last posted on here. Not sure where the time has gone. The past summer was sooooo busy, we never had a chance to even sit down and enjoy our beautiful gardens, not even so much as a picture this year. I wonder if perhaps twin boys and a daughter that are very active many contributed to this. LOL.......and now the Christmas season is right around the corner and the New Year waiting to ring in. Hopefully this year I can be more faithful to the blogging community and once again meet some new folks.