Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  I am excited for the 2011 year as 2010 did not end so well with  a death in the family days before Christmas.  It sure can drag the Christmas spirit down but yet you hold strong for your young family as they do not realize what has really happened.  So today as I was going through so pictures I thought it would be nice to recap some of the past year.   

Long pasted are the days of these. Ahhh, spring.  The glorious meadow of trillums, otherwise known in these parts as the Mayflower.  I can already smell their aroma.

And the birth of nature....Killdeer eggs. These beauties were actually in the same field as our 400 cows and were never ever stepped on.  They are simply stunning.  Mom always tried to get me to turn the other way but faking a broken wing.  Amazing how nature takes care of itself.

This is my favorite picture of summer 2010.  Our three beautiful children playing at our beach.  They always play till the sun goes down.

Tiger lilies standing tall. They are special to me since they come from my grandmothers gardens years ago.  A little piece of her proud in the garden.

Fall, my favorite season however spring is just on its tail.  Just some of the 200+ acres of corn to be harvested. 

Natures beauty.  The maple bush.

Sure don't blame this dahlia for not opening.  I wouldn't either if I had a cap on my head like that.  Burrr....

I hope you enjoyed my little recap of the year gone by. 




  1. Absolutely beautiful photographs! I am so sorry for your loss. May this new year bring you many blessings.

  2. These are spectacular photos. I am so sorry for your family loss. I lost my mother last year right before Christmas, so I really know how you must be feeling. I lost all Christmas joy and it even tarnished this Christmas a bit too. I wish you all the best and my prayers will be with you.

  3. Happy New Year Cheryl. I'm sorry for your family's loss, that's always especially difficult around the holidays. Wishing you beautiful and bountiful gardens in 2011.

  4. Oh, Cheryl, I am sorry for your loss of a loved one. May this new year bring you peace and many beautiful days like the ones you depicted here. The meadow of trilliums is stunning, but I think the photo of your children is truly special. God bless you.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. When my father died last Spring my stepmother and I both found it comforting to look at beautiful garden books and magazines and even more comforting to spend time in the garden. I hope that nature's beauty is a comfort to you as well. Your pictures are stunning - your garden must be even more so. Blessings to you and your family in the new year.
